Office Hours

The church office closes for lunch between 1:15pm - 2:15pm Monday - Thursday.  We are closed on Fridays. During these times, you will receive a message recording when you call and the doors will not be monitored for building access.  If you have an appointment with a staff member, that staff member will meet you at the door to let you in. There will be no one to let you inside the building unless you have an appointment. 

Hours and information about our Outreach Center can be found here.  

College Care Ministry

Updated College Information Needed

We are updating and refining our College Ministry Student list.  We are asking that a form is completed for each student (college & graduate!).  Our hope is that once again, we will be able to send a small and encouraging care package multiple times throughout the year.  This information also allows us to quickly get information out about college gatherings over breaks!  To update the information, please complete the form (linked below) by September 15th!  If you would prefer to have your student removed from our list for any reason, please let us know.  Any questions?  Reach out to Erin Betlej-Stockdale at


Young at Heart - October 1st

Join us for this football-themed gathering on October 1st at 11:30am in the Fellowship Hall. Jenna Vitamanti, a sports anchor and reporter at Fox 8 WGHP, is coming to talk all things football. Lunch includes hot dogs with all the trimmings--chili, slaw, chips, baked beans, and more. Register before September 26 at noon to reserve your spot. Don’t forget to invite a friend or neighbor to come with you! The cost is $5.00 per person. You can pay in advance here or pay at the door.

Register here!

On The Move | City Lake Boat Tour

On October 18th, enjoy a tour around High Point City Lake on an excursion boat. During the 45-minute tour, you'll learn about the seasonal changes and wildlife in and around the lake from PEC's Parks Supervisor, Dick Thomas. Dick's entertaining and informative commentary, combined with amazing photographic opportunities, make this offering a seasonal favorite. Before the tour we'll eat lunch together at City Lake Park, so pack a picnic lunch.

Lunch is at 12:00 pm and the boat tour begins at 1:00 pm. The cost for the boat tour is $3.00.

Register here!

Western North Carolina United Methodist General Conference

A letter from Bishop Carter was received explaining updates from General Conference.  You can find the letter HERE.  

Newsletter and Weekly Bulletin Updates

We produce our newsletter only once a month.  This publication of the newsletter covers all the events planned for the month, and a week or two into the next month.  The newsletter will be available at all the usual places; US postal service (mail), email, the website, through Facebook and Instagram and our mobile app.  If you have information relating to JUMC ministries, that you would like to post in the newsletter, contact Dana Bird at   dana@jumc.orgShe will have a form to help ensure all the pertinent information is included.  You will need to have the article and information to Dana Bird ( no later than the 15th of the month. 

We email the newsletter through our church member database.